Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Driving Force: Achieving Personal Success

The Driving Force: Achieving Personal Success

By: L.Starling


“Some succeed by what they know, some by what they do; and few by what they are.” – Ebert Hubbard 


   Success really isn’t that easy to define, especially when it refers to a college student’s perspective of success. Success means many different things to many different people. Between ages, culture, finances, and ethnic groups, success can be classified in numerous ways. That being said, a student’s idea of what success truly is will constantly change throughout his/her life.

   In my own life, I’ve had to fight for my education. Growing up in a strict religious atmosphere, I was taken out of school at the age of fourteen and had to work in my family’s business in a warehouse. For me, academic education had always been a struggle, so I didn’t allow myself to measure my success on acquiring degrees. My personal success was determined by the amount of effort I put into whatever I believed in and cared deeply for at the time.

   But how does one achieve one’s own measure of success? What are the common steps in order to succeed? Perhaps the first step would be to make a list of the values that we hold of great importance. Then we might get a clearer perspective on what direction we’re driving our lives.

   According to the motivational specialist, Anthony Robbins, from his 12th volume of Power Talk: Strategies for Lifelong Success, he states:

“The truth is that even in the information age, information is not enough. Action is what unites every great success. Action is what produces results. Knowledge is only potential power until it comes into the hands of someone who knows how to get himself to take effective action. In fact, the literal definition of the word ‘power’ is ‘the ability if act’”.

   According to Robbins there are seven basic triggering mechanisms that can ensure your success:


Trait #1: Passion

Trait #2: Belief

Trait #3: Strategy

Trait #4: Clarity of Values

Trait #5: Energy

Trait #6 Bonding Power

Trait #7 Mastery of Communication


   Many others can benefit from Robbins formula, but despite his teachings, there is another factor that must be considered. Are college students really aware of which direction they are heading? Are students paying attention to their lives and making realistic decisions in order to attain their dreams? Or is it the power of judgment from the outside world that influences a young person’s decisions? 

    In reference to the essay Indian Education, written by Sherman Alexie, Sherman had a different view of academic success. Having lived on an Indian Reservation, Sherman’s writings greatly illuminated how powerful outside influences can impact a child’s life.

   Early on, a child is learning the most basic and most complicated forms of values in life. Depending of the atmosphere they grow up in, a child’s idea of success becomes formulated and is carried on throughout their future. If personal values are not balanced, or if one value clashes with another, such as the two common beliefs “Seize the moment!” and “Don’t jump the gun!” a great conflict can disrupt that child’s logic as they become a student. According to William Zinsser in his essay College Pressures, he states that “it will be the student’s own business to break the circles on which they are trapped. They are too young to be prisoners of their parents’ dreams and their classmates’ fears. They mush be jolted into believing in themselves as unique men and women who have the power to shape their own future.”

   So, in conclusion, I believe that it is beneficial for a college student to determine who they are and what they truly desire early on in life; otherwise they could become lost inside the opinions of others without even realizing it. To be a success really depends on one’s outlook, what one admires and judges. In essence success can depend on what you know… or what you do. But most importantly success is in knowing who you are. 

L. Starling           



Works cited

Robbins, Anthony.  “Power Talk-: Strategies for Lifelong Success. Unlimited Power.   

Audio Book.  October 12th, 2005 

Alexie Sherman. Indian Education, written by Sherman Alexie. Patterns for College

Writing (2004) 126-133. Sept 6th, 2005. October 11th 2005.          

Zinsser William.  “College Pressures.”   Patterns for College Writing (2004) 447-55.

October 11th 2005.

Hubbard Ebert.  “Quotations” The Quotation Station. Posting date unknown. 

October10th, 2005  <>


About the Author

This article was wrtten by L. Starling.

Starling Books is a website that focuses on independent writers and artists and promoting quality work of a spiritual nature. We also specialize in Artwork, Prints, Graphic Design, Web Design, High Impact Still Photography, Traditional & Graphic Novels that relate to meditative healing and Global Awareness.

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Article Source: - The Driving Force: Achieving Personal Success

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How To Avoid Negative Energy

How To Avoid Negative Energy

Author: Lesley Mcintosh

Where does negative energy come from? Some of it is from the other people we spend time with. Don't we all know people who just suck away our energy? However, it also comes from our own thinking habits. Here are some examples of both sources of negativity and what you can do about them.

Negative Energy People

Perhaps you have a friend who needs to challenge everything you say. Some people you know may point out the negative aspects of everything. Then there are those who are just plain depressed and who seem to want the world to join them.

What can you do about these "negative energy people"? First recognize that it isn't always just that person. It is often the way you interact with that person. For example, a critical person can be a useful person if critical analysis is what you need at that moment. However, such a person may drain your energy if you waste your time defending yourself from their petty and unnecessary comments. Ignore them or ask the person to stop!

There are other ways to change the negative energy between you and another. One way is to talk about something you both have a common interest in. This can dissolve the negativity, unless it is a very depressing topic. Another simple technique is to ask negative people for some good news. Get them to tell you about anything that is going well in their lives. It's hard to maintain negative feelings when talking about something good. This one really does work most of the time.

If the above ways don't work, or if the person is just always depressing, the solution is simple, but not necessarily easy - spend less time with that person. You have to spend some time with unpleasant people, of course. They could even be people you love. However, you have no obligation to take part in their negative thinking, and you can reduce your exposure.

Negative Energy From Our Thinking

At times, don't we all produce our own share of negative energy? It comes from primarily one place - our thoughts. You may have heard the saying, "change your thinking, change your life." Don't believe it? Start to imagine all the things you need to do and all the things that could go wrong in your future, and see if you aren't feeling more stressed. The lesson here is obvious: Drop your negative thinking.

It is a simple, but not always an easy solution. Start by watching your mind. When does it indulge in negativity, and what triggers it? What can you change to trigger it less or discourage it? You don't want to ignore problems that you need to pay attention to, but how often do you do the same five minutes of thinking about a problem fifty times over? Just do what you need to do and drop it!

The flip side of negative thoughts is positive ones. This doesn't mean you need to be overly optimistic. You can change your state of mind by simply recognizing of all the good things you already have in your life. Continually thinking about the advantages you have, the good things about your character, and the wonderful things you have seen and are seeing, makes it difficult to feel very negative.

Start doing what you have to. For example, if it's difficult for you to remember to think positively, write a list of the things you are grateful for. Then put it in your pocket and pull it out and read it from time to time. Maybe you can experiment with affirmations. Start watching for things that are going right in your life and pay attention to those. Positive and negative energy come from where you aim your mind. Why not choose better places?

Article Source:

Friday, February 12, 2010

4 Steps To Achieve Success In Your Life
by: Amy Twain

They say that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. There are basically 4 easy steps that you need to follow in order to achieve the much desired success in your life. Therefore, you could take the first step right now and you can see and feel how everything comes to you. You could achieve almost anything that you really aspire for in your life when you try to follow the 4 simple steps given below. 1. Simply believe that you could achieve your goals and dreams. First of all, you really have to believe it before you can even attain it.

Your own beliefs are only true to you; you could believe anything you want in your life. However, if you never truly believe in something, your thoughts will close each chance or probability which can lead and direct you to success. And that’s why first you have to believe that success could be doable and attainable. If you think you could have it and achieve it, then sure you can! On the other hand, if you think you can’t, then you can’t. It is as simple as that—it all begins with you. 2. Set a defined and specific goal. So the second step is to set your specific goal.

A more defined and clear goal helps you to be more concentrated and focused in your direction for achieving it. You really have to discover what you truly want to have and write it down. If you are not recording or writing down your goals, they would just remain dreams forever and you will not be able to accomplish them. The more defined and clear your goals are, the easier you’re going to achieve them. 3. Develop techniques and strategies on how to accomplish those goals. Do not worry if you’re using the wrong methods. You would find the right ones during your journey to success and triumph just as long as you do not easily give up and you try on constantly improving on your strategies.

I do believe that if you faithfully follow the first two steps, the strategies would come to you automatically. 4. The last and fourth step is to enforce consistent and massive action. In the end, it’s the action that would bring you the results. Nothing is going to happen without acting on it. You are the one making and building your future, definitely. So, if you are poor today, it’s because you’re not taking any active steps to create wealth before. If you’re not taking any action towards your objectives, nothing is going to happen likely in the future. Several people are trying to attain success in their lives, yet some of them are just hitting a blank wall because they end up not going anywhere and ultimately, they never achieve what they truly desire in life.

Only a small percentage of people accomplish what they want in life…and why is this so? It’s because successful individuals are following the 4-steps process above to attain whatever they want.

About The Author

The author of this article Amy Twain is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently published a new home study course on how to boost your Self Esteem overnight. More info about this “Quick-Action Plan for A More Confident You” is available at

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

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